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1:1 Sessions

Sally says:

I came to see Sue with Complex PTSD and a massive dollup of anxiety. These problems were well entrenched and having been to several other therapists I was cynical as to the results we would achieve. I had also developed a dislike of therapy and probably therapists!

Sue put me at my ease totally and accepted who I was and where I was in my headspace. My anxiety reduced and we did some meaningful work together to get me to a better place and give me the skills to cope better in my future life. I felt totally supported by Sue and she understood more about where I was and how we could do this (I was quite a mess).

She did this with amazing work and in a way that was geared to my benefit and no judgement on her behalf. I was given homework and this I engaged with which helped me beyond my own expectations.

In these difficult times I am grateful for the work we did as it is helping me with lockdown and the new restrictions in life. I am very grateful for the new skills and a more positive outlook I now own!

Havenings Technique Certified Practitioner Sue WoodriffeMeta Health InternationalEFTi Accredited-Advanced-Practitioner-SealEFT Matrix reImprinting Sue WoodriffeAdvanced BLAST Logo_2018
Please note I am not a medical doctor and cannot diagnose physical or mental health conditions. Neither can I prescribe or advise on medication.
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