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You can leave your traumas behind you.
Discover Peace & Freedom

When Was The Last Time You Woke Up Feeling Fantastic?

Was it yesterday? Last week? Last Month or maybe you can't recall?

Perhaps you often struggle with stress, anxiety, troubled relationships. Maybe you feel you are not living your best life?

Unresolved trauma could be the thief that has stolen your zest for living....

How do you know?

Perhaps you have flashbacks, feel anxious, or tired a lot of the time.

Or perhaps it’s subtler—difficulty accepting compliments, people-pleasing, procrastinating, or repeating self-sabotaging patterns.

Trauma is more than just a memory; it's an experience that can reshape lives in profound ways.

When someone has experienced trauma, whether it's from a single event or ongoing circumstances, the effects can linger long after the event itself has passed.

Sue-Woodriffe-Trauma Coach

Hello, my name is Sue Woodriffe and I have been working with traumatised people for 10 years now.

To find out more....

Resolving your past trauma can create:

  • A Sense of Well Being - Feeling Great: Experience a balanced, positive emotional state, leading to increased happiness and possibly better physical health.
  • Stronger Relationships: Discover how to create and sustain healthier, more fulfilling relationships, and increase genuine connections.
  • Increased Resilience: Notice your ability to cope with future challenges, making you more resilient and adaptable in the face of adversity and everyday stress.
  • Boosted Confidence and Self-Esteem :Imagine the thrill of growing self-confidence,empowering you to pursue your goals and dreams with renewed excitement.
  • Greater Mental Clarity: Think more clearly, make better decisions, and improve your productivity, problem-solving capacity, focus, and concentration.
  • Improved Quality of Life: Fully embrace life, experiencing richer and more fulfilling moments, free from the shadows of the past.
  • Renewed Hope: Feel a new found sense of hope blossom as the shackles of the past fall away, opening up a future filled with growth, joy, and exciting possibilities.
  • Reduced Stress, Anxiety and Depression: Significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress, leading to better sleep and the ability to live in the present moment.
  • Empowerment and Personal Growth: Take control of your life, realising your strength and resilience. Face future challenges with courage and confidence.
  • *** BONUS *** As all this comes together, your life will open up in ways beyond your imagination.

Your trauma experience is unique.

There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. Some trauma can be cleared in 1 or 2 sessions, while more entangled traumas may take longer.

I tailor my approach to find the best approach for you and I pick and mix from various modalities to create the experience that works for you.

These include  BLAST Technique®, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, , Havening Technique®Hypnotic Processes and Meta Consciousness along with, of course, listening to you .

You will have 'take away' tools that you can use for the rest of you life that will help you self regulate, build and maintain your resilience.

Take the first step on your journey to freedom today by clicking below, it couldn't be easier...

“I was on Westminster Bridge during the attacks a couple of years ago. I found I was having problems afterwards with any loud noise, especially sirens which were triggering me back to the event… Sue was also amazing at explaining what had happened to my brain during this trauma, we worked through the event step by step and I felt a weight lift that hasn’t come back since.”

“I came to see Sue with Complex PTSD and a massive dollup of anxiety. These problems were well entrenched and having been to several other therapists I was cynical as to the results we would achieve. Sue put me at my ease totally and accepted who I was and where I was in my headspace. My anxiety reduced. I felt totally supported by Sue. I am very grateful for the new skills and a more positive outlook I now own!”

Trauma Coach logo Sue Woodriffe

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My clients say . . .

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Havenings Technique Certified Practitioner Sue WoodriffeMeta Health InternationalEFTi Accredited-Advanced-Practitioner-SealEFT Matrix reImprinting Sue WoodriffeAdvanced BLAST Logo_2018
Please note I am not a medical doctor and cannot diagnose physical or mental health conditions. Neither can I prescribe or advise on medication.
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