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1:1 Sessions

Jack says:

I was experiencing an intense fear of flying and death.

I was almost surprised at how much Sue genuinely cared about the issues I was experiencing.  She is extremely knowledgeable and professional, and I felt very safe throughout the process.

Working with Sue, I found she was able to zone in on such specific roots to some of the issues I was experiencing.  Session to session, there was a measurable change in my anxiety regarding flying.  While my fears are not totally gone, prior to my sessions with Sue I had all but decided to never fly again; with the tools Sue has taught me during our sessions, I now feel as though I can continue to travel with my family.

Even without taking into account any of the tapping therapy I worked on with Sue, speaking with her weekly was some of the best therapy I’ve ever had.

Havenings Technique Certified Practitioner Sue WoodriffeMeta Health InternationalEFTi Accredited-Advanced-Practitioner-SealEFT Matrix reImprinting Sue WoodriffeAdvanced BLAST Logo_2018
Please note I am not a medical doctor and cannot diagnose physical or mental health conditions. Neither can I prescribe or advise on medication.
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