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You can leave your traumas behind you.
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BLAST Technique®

Jane says:

"I find Sue to be warm safe and reassuring as well as compassionate, professional and knowledgeable with many tools she can work with.

I was really struggling to be able to deal rationally with an issue with my rented flat as I was being triggered into childhood issues . I found that there was an immediate reduction in my trauma response to the issue anxiety, fight/ flight and freeze response – this made it much easier for me to then deal with the practical matters at hand.  I highly recommend Sue and BLAST (TECHNIQUE®) therapy as a rapid effective way to reduce debilitating trauma responses in the body."

Havenings Technique Certified Practitioner Sue WoodriffeMeta Health InternationalEFTi Accredited-Advanced-Practitioner-SealEFT Matrix reImprinting Sue WoodriffeAdvanced BLAST Logo_2018
Please note I am not a medical doctor and cannot diagnose physical or mental health conditions. Neither can I prescribe or advise on medication.
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